Our Staff

Pastor McDaniel has been Pastor of CBC since 2002, and is blessed to have his wife Ellen, and their 4 children, Luke, Hannah, Abigail, and Leah serve with him. He has his Doctorate of Theology and is one of the most dynamic preachers of our day. He has a love for the Lord and the people God has called him to pastor.
Brother Jimmy joined the staff in 2017 and CBC is blessed to have him here with us. He serves as our Director of Outreach and also teaches our S.A.L.T.(Senior Adults Living Triumphantly) class. Sheila, his wonderful wife of 35 years, serves faithfully with him.

Assistant Pastor

Brother Jose Pineda is the Pastor of Inglesia Bauptista Currytown. He and his wife Arlene, and their 2 boys, Timothy, and Stephen moved here from California in 2013. Bro Jose has a burden and love for the Hispanic community and now serves faithfully as their pastor at CBC.
Spanish Pastor
Sister Ellen McDaniel is CBC's church secretary serving along side her husband, Pastor Michael McDaniel. Sister Ellen also runs the Homeschool Fellowship, a ministry that provides support and fellowship to homeschooling families.

Church Secretary
Families Serving Together